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What is Web Marketing?

What is Web Marketing?

Hit-the-Web Marketing is an agency serving the entire United States for eCommerce websites, lead-generating WordPress websites, Google Ads, and Website Security. In this post we discuss What is Web Marketing? and How can this type of marketing catapult your business?...

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Is PPC Marketing Right For Your Business?

Is PPC Marketing Right For Your Business?

Is PPC Marketing right for your business? PPC Marketing is a model of internet marketing in which advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. Essentially, its a way of buying visits to your site, rather than attempting to “earn” those visits...

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Why Use Instagram for Business?

Why Use Instagram for Business?

Why use Instagram for business? Instagram is s great way to expand the audience for your business. Instagram has over 500 million daily active users. Since the past two years the amount of users has doubled.  About 51% are male, 49% are females. The number of monthly...

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6 Tips to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile

6 Tips to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile

Is Your LinkedIn Profile Working for You? In this article, we discuss 6 tips to Optimize your LinkedIn Profile. Ideas that will help you get found the way people are searching for you online. The LinkedIn Profile Banner, LinkedIn Profile Picture, Profile keywords,...

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Our Story Website Security

Our Story Website Security

How Did We Get Here with Website Security? What got us to the point of creating our website security plan was the summer of 2018, six short months after launching our website redesign, of 12 months worth of painstaking strategy, keyword research, writing more and new...

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Get Your Blog Done Monthly Workshop

Join us to get your blog done at the monthly workshop. Online of-course. Businesses are challenged to reach consumers in new ways, and in ways that delight them.Get Your Blog Done! Easier said than done, you say? It's the Habits that make entrepreneurs successful....

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How To Write the Perfect Blog

How To Write the Perfect Blog

Oh my God, the pressure! Write the Perfect blog! Getting started with your blog article might be the toughest part. Incorporate the following components for success. Success is defined not only by the number of opens but also by the shares. Master your craft by...

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How To Format the Perfect Blog

How To Format the Perfect Blog

Many bloggers go to work writing, writing, writing. But they fail to remember to make the content visually appealing and easy to scan. We need to include a basic format to make the content easy to read. Image to the Left. Look familiar? Would you want to read on?...

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