Google Ad

Reach the right audience,
at the right time,
on the right platform through a
paid media marketing strategy.

Our 5-Step Process



We learn about your business, your website, and your competitors in order to provide clear documentation that we use throughout all other stages of the project.


We create an easy-to-understand paid media strategy and project plan that clearly outlines deliverables and measurable business goals.

Landing Page & Campaign Setup

We implement landing page recommendations from the paid media strategy with the development team or collaboration with you.


We monitor and adjust campaigns based on the performance of keywords, landing pages, and ad copy.

Analysis & Reporting

We provide regular reporting that includes analysis of campaign performance, KPIs, and goal tracking and adjust project plan based on results.

We dive in to learn about your business, your website, and your competitors in order to provide clear
documentation that we use throughout all other stages of the project.



Landing Page



Keys to A Successful

Google Ads Marketing Campaign

Select The Proper Keywords

The keywords you target (and pay for) must be specific to what you are offering on your website. If you are a retailer, make sure that people who are looking for the products you sell are funneled directly to a page where that purchase can be facilitated.

Landing Page Creation & Optimization

Each landing page should be tailored to your unique products or services, and optimized for the keywords you’re targeting in your paid media efforts. With each ad campaign that you drive visitors to your site with, each landing page should be relevant to the content in that campaign.

Ongoing Analysis

Whether you’re running a paid search campaign, or a social media advertising campaign, it’s essential that the proper reporting is completed. This way, we can identify what works best for driving conversions and reaching your goals, and optimize your campaigns based on those findings on a regular basis.

Link building

Monthly link building and content outreach takes place in order to increase rankings.

Enhanced Targeting

Another great advantage of Pay Per Click advertising is the flexibility it offers in terms of delivery. There are a number of PPC techniques you can use to create an audience that is most likely to be your target audience:

Keyword Targeting

Uses keywords designed to direct visitors who are likely to be interested in your products and services.

  • Relevance: It is critical that the keywords you select are relevant to your company. Nothing angers a visitor more than being sent to a site that has nothing to do with his search. Even if the visitor leaves immediately, you’ve still paid for the click. The landing page for each PPC ad should be highly relevant to the search.
  • Matching Options: You can specify whether to bid on broad match keywords, (e.g. a bid on “website design” will show your ads for the query “website design company”, but also “website design awards”, or narrow your targeting with phrase match and exact match. You can also specify negative keywords, (e.g. setting the negative keyword “jobs” in an ad group with the broad match keyword “website design” will display your ad for the query “website design company”, but not “website design jobs”.

Geo Targeting

If you are only looking to attract local customers, you can specify that your ad run only on results geared to your neighborhood, your city or your state (i.e. Boston Dentist).


PPC allows you do deliver ads only at peak times for finding your potential clients and customers.

Ready to Discuss Your Project?

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Are you happy with your current marketing program? Are you seeing the sales results you want?

If you answered NO to either of these questions, then let’s connect. Let’s talk about the what’s and why’s of your situation.

We may have a solution to the challenges and obstacles you’re facing.

When you fill out the form, someone will be in touch with you to schedule a time to talk.

  • 30 minutes.
  • Lots of listening.
  • Brainstorming galore.

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