Ready To Create A Website that is a Lead Generating Machine?

Don’t have a Website?

For $499, Carol will help you create a Website Strategy in just 96 hours.

Carol will research

Your Organization | Products/Services | Market | Competition | Audience

and create a Website Roadmap outlining our findings and our prescription to building a successful website with the

Right Visuals | Right Call-to-Actions | Most Valuable Content | Right Marketing Tactics

Your Business review and actionable advice tailored for your website.

Put Carol to work!
She’s ready to get you started in the right direction with your Website.

What You Get for $499

Easy-to-understand documentation & experienced consultation. Everything you need for a better website!

Detailed PDF Document

Multi-page PDF detailing your 5 recommendations in screenshots with helpful resources for later reference.

60 Minute Virtual Meeting

Carol takes 1 full hour to walk you through each recommendation and provide Q&A.

9 + 14 =


Will my recommendations be generic?

Absolutely not! This small consulting package is geared toward your website and future usability. Carol’s feedback will be very specific with tactics that work.

Will I get the document pre-meeting?

Carol will send you the document outlining your recommendations about 10 minutes before the meeting. She likes to walk you through the document in real-time.

Will Carol help us execute his feedback?

We certainly can discuss an engagement where we’ll help you do the things Carol is recommending. But, this engagement is simply highlighting various things you need to be successful with your website and educating the importance of each item.

Really, 96 hour turnaround time?

Yep! Give Carol 3-4 business days after your inquiry and she’ll have your recommendations ready to present!

How Can I Pay?

We accept all major credit/debit cards as well as Paypal (link below). Full payment is needed before we turn Carol loose. Once we receive your inquiry, we’ll send you a simple invoice to pay so he can get started! If you choose to move forward now, your payment through PayPal will notify us at Hit-the-Web Marketing and provide you a receipt of services.

Still have questions?

Call (781) 996-9163

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Ready to buy? Great! Bypass the inquiry form and pay $499 through PayPal. Once we receive payment, we’ll reach out with next steps!

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